I have heard so many good things about Stephen Arterburn. My good friend, Moni is an avid reader of his writings. She said she picks up all of his books- they're so good. Stephen Arterburn has a short program on the station I work at 101.5 KAMB, called New Life Moments; short snippets of wisdom and practical advice for all parts of life. That's why I am disappointed that it's taken me this long to read his stuff!
Thankfully, I'm part of Booksneeze. I get free copies (E-books and/or hard copies) of books that I get to choose and review them.
This month I chose The Encounter . It's about a wealthy business man who goes to his hometown in Alaska to adress the anger he has towards his birth mother who left him at four years of age. Although he was adopted by a wonderful family who loved him in spite of his outbursts of anger, he couldn't get past the fact that he was "given away."
This is a short novella and easy to read in one sitting. It's about love, forgiveness and attempting to get the whole story. Whether we have someone in our life to whom we have put on a pedestal or someone who has "wronged" us, there is a backstory. To move forward in our life...past the hurt, disappointment, anger or bitterness we need to know the facts.
Getting truth can be painful. It may ruffle our feathers. But their is such freedom and peace in the Truth!
I encourage you to read this. If not for yourself, maybe someone you know could benefit from the wisdom in these pages. At the end Arterburn shares the true life story of the person he loosely bases the book on and shares some insights and thoughts on how anyone can find the freedom that the main character found.