Monday, November 7, 2011

Life Support by Robert Whitlow

Another Booksneeze review underway!  I am so grateful for this wonderful program where I get to read books that I would otherwise pass over because I only budgeted for one book purchase that day.

Life Support is the first in the Santee series. Santee for the town it's based in. It follows newly married Baxter and Rena Richardson. Baxter a child of a wealthy businessman and successor to the family fortune and his troubled wife with a troubled past.
It then takes us to a law firm in Santee and the young attorney, Alexia Lindale, who is on track on becoming the firm's first female partner.

The story collides when Baxter Richardson finds himself in a coma and his wife has to deal with an onslaught of emotion and practical issues that brings to her. The Richardson family is represented by the firm Alexia works for and Alexia quickly finds herself representing Rena Richardson to end Life Support of her husband Baxter.

This author is new to me and it took some getting use to but I certainly have grown attached. I'm not sure I liked the way the story jumped around from story to story. Because I read as time allows, I would pick up where I left off and forget what book I was reading. I had to start over a couple of times. It could just be me...However, once I got into the characters I was following right along.

The twists and turns were everywhere. Just when I thought I knew exactly where Whitlow was taking the story, he shocks me..again and again! The suspense collides with the spiritual in a rather forceful way but by that point I'm so vested that I hardly noticed.

It was a great read and if you decide to try it (which I sure you have Book 2 close'll thank me.)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Baby isn't a Baby

My last baby lost his first tooth today. Maybe he lost it last night. The reason for the confusion is that we didn't notice it was lost until 9:15a.m, two hours after we woke up.

While combing Xavier's hair he smiled in the mirror and I said, "Hey, your tooth!" He threw his arms in the air and screamed, "Ah! My tooth!!" I said, "Wait, where is it?" He screamed again and ran out of my room screaming excitedly, "My tooth, my tooth, where is it?"

Honestly, I thought there was no way we'd see it again. I mean when and where did it get lost? He'd already had eggs, bacon and pancakes. I figured he swallowed it.

I suggested we crawl on our hands and knees from his room to my room as a place to start. Then I realized that he had come to my bed in the wee hours of the morning. Will thought he probably knocked it out in his sleep. I told them to start looking in the bed.

Isaac, our nine year old seeing his opportunity to help runs to the bed and starts throwing the pillows everywhere and voila'!! The tooth was there, just waiting to be found!!

Xzavier has been nervous for weeks thinking through how his tooth would fall out, wondering if it was going to hurt or bleed. Now he's so proud. He's looking forward to when his next one falls out.

As his mom, I'm proud too. But I keep thinking, how did we get here? Wasn't it just last week when I was juggling a newborn, two toddlers and a kindergartner?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Confession Time!

I have a confession to make it. My pride hit me square in the nose today and it did not feel good!! I'm just going to lay it out there, is that okay with you? Since this is a post on pride, I might as well go all or nothing.

I have been the same weight now for 5 years. It's not fluctuated since I gave birth to my last child, five years ago. I say that to make the point that I have had 5 years to get rid of the extra weight that is not healthy for me.

For months I have been reading posts by people I love telling about their trials and successes or failures and all the while my pride kicks into overdrive.

"I'm happy sitting here enjoying my coffee and snack. Why would I want to go through all that hassle. I don't feel like spending my money on diets, gyms, programs, etc. I walk, I'm active, I don't need to exercise." Whatever!

Okay, so why am I telling you all this? I'm glad you asked.

A friend of mine invited me to a cardio-kickboxing class. I laughed when I read the text. We went back and forth and while I really really wanted to say no, I didn't.

I started out okay. I watched a couple of people and tried to keep pace with them. First dumb mistake, it was clearly not their first time. After 3 minutes, (yes, 3 minutes) I thought I was going to have a heart attack. After 5 minutes I had to take a 5 minute break. I was so ashamed. Not because I couldn't keep up but that I couldn't keep up after only 5 minutes.

All the stupid thoughts came back to me and I realized that through my pride the only person that was suffering was me and my health.

Proverbs 11:1-2 "The Lord detest dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with Him. 2. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." 

The classic verse on pride...Proverbs 16:18 "Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall." 

I was most definitely humbled last night's work out. Wisdom I hope will come with that humiliation. 

I found this blog very encouraging!! The Truth About Regular Exercisers

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Baby" Sin

I love simple life illustrations that can cause us to check our spiritual selves.

Today I recorded a short thank you liner to a Business Impact Partner the station I work at, KAMB. I went into studio C and sat in front of the mic and hit record on our Sound Forge program. I read my script and went back to my desk. I asked our Production Coordinator and IT guy to come and constructively critique my liner. We laughed at the fact that it had been very rare that a woman had asked for his criticism.

He played it, then played it again. "This can't be good," I thought.

Then he asked me to say, "support."
I said, "suppordt."
"Support" he said, enunciating the "T" at the end. I was clearly leaving that "t" off my pronunciation.

I don't think people understand the difficulty of radio and speaking publicly. Trust me. It's more than talking into a mic.

We laughed about it and I went back in to re-record.

This little episode got me thinking about life and the "small" or "baby" sins in our life. Things we do over and over and probably don't even realize it's wrong until someone points it out to us. News flash! There is no "small or baby" sin, at least in the sense that all sin is disobedience.

Let us always be aware and accountable. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Women of Faith 2011, Sacramento

I'm going to Women of Faith!!! Thanks to my blogging and BookSneeze I am taking a friend to Sacramento.
I haven't been to a Women of Faith Conference since my oldest child, now 10, was a baby. I remember what she dress she wore and what color her bow was, and I remember Chondra Pierce. That it. That's all I remember.
This time I'm all in. Nothing will get in the way of my focus on what or how God will speak to me through the various speakers and musicians.
Speaking of the line up; I'm just getting into the music of Mandisa. Scandelous, I my defence I wasn't an "Idol" fan until season 7, so I'm really excited about watching her sing; Also excited about seeing Andy Andrews. I've recently read a couple of his books and anticipating the others I haven't read yet. (See my review of The Final Summit on my blog)

I attend a small church but I think even 3 or four of us together could be life changing. When I'm done here I'll head over to my Facebook and see if there's any one else who want to have an "Over the Top" weekend!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Book Review of Final Summit by Andy Andrews

I am so grateful for my Nook and Booksneeze. I recently received a FREE E-Book download for review called Final Summit by Andy Andrews. 

It started interestingly enough and I thought I knew the direction it was going. Then it took a turn I really wasn't expecting. However, unlike a poorly written story, I wasn't turned off. I was already engaged and attached to the characters that had been introduced.

The story is about David Ponder and his Travels. His wife has just passed and he has a spiritual encounter that leads him to tell us all about his first "travels" and how they changed his life and outlook on life. The characters that share the pages with him are historical figures and their lives really took on a new reality for me.

What I didn't know was that this book is a continuation of Andy Andrews book, The Traveler's Gift, which I will most definitely go buy now. Im sure that would be helpful in understanding some of the small nuances in The Final Summit.

The humor is real and the emotions are intense. It got me thinking about how my future would look like if I was deliberate in applying what I've learned through my difficulties and sharing it with others.

How would you answer this question, "What does humanity need to do, individually and collectively, to restore itself to the pathway toward successful civilization?"

The Final Summit helps you figure this out, not by outright telling you, but by  encouraging you to work out your own salvation as Phillipians 2:12 teaches.

This is a fantastically written story and easy to read and follow.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I guess spending time on the freeway is a recipe for blog posts. Sorry for the analogy, but it came to me so strongly I just had to share.

On my way to work the other day I was driving along, minding my own when I could see in my rearview mirror, a car anxious to be ahead of everyone else. He was weaving in and out of the lanes without regard to how fast he was going or how unsafe he was driving.

It got me to thinking not of driving but of relationships. How we weave in and out of people's lives without regard to the people we may be able to connect with while we're in that "lane." We get so caught up in what we want that we rarely give a thought that maybe we're there for the benefit of the other. Perhaps by passing them by we're missing an opportunity the Lord has for us.

I'm not suggesting we are supposed to have the same circle of people our whole lives, of course not.
We go through seasons of life weaving in and out of relationships. As single folk you have a set of friends then somehow that changes (intentionally or not) when we get married. There's the married without children and married with children. Mother's of Preschoolers (MOPS) and Mother's of school-aged children who are busy arranging play dates and running to and from sporting practices and games.

Thanks to FACEBOOK I have reconnected with a number of friends I had in those various times of my life. I hope I made the most of those relationships at the time. Mostly I am grateful for those who refuse to let relationships that matter to them, die to the seasons of life.
Elaine and Julie

I am grateful for all the people that I have passed in my various "lanes" because they all shaped me into who I am today. Words poured into me, disagreements that opened my eyes and heart. 

"Every encounter could be a divine appointment"- RZ

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Review of Seeds of Turmoil

So in my normal choosing of books this would have ranked last. I happen to appreciate a "feel good" novel 99.9% of the time.
However, because of the state of our world I decided to step out of the norm and read this book.

I'm so glad I did. Seeds of Turmoil has exactly the right amount of information for someone who is on the starting line of learning how this whole middle east struggle got started.

The biblical background information is crucial and sheds new light to the conflicts. As someone who has heard the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar all her life, it was wonderful to see it in a new way.
Half way through there is a sentence that sums up the facts so perfectly. "And it all started with a sibling rivalry many years ago that originated with their father's sin, a sobering reminder of the long-term consequences of one man's sin."
 This book is fantastically written. It states the facts in a simple, easy to read and understand kind of way. I'd suggest it to every Christian who wants to understand this Middle East crisis more thoroughly.

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